Services & Solutions
We offer products and services to advice, support and train your organization to incorporate humor and our human-centered formula in a successful way. If you would like to diminish organizational health-issues such as for example stress, boredom, ineffective teamwork or communication, scarce creative ideas and innovative results, just take a look at our services/products by clicking on the focus areas below.
Our Way of Working:
We also offer three trajectories in our fields of expertise: Awareness, Innovation and Transformation consisting of a combination of the focus areas below.
You can follow a complete trajectory or you can buy separate products and services from our business line. We really care about your organization and the people who are making the business, just as much as you do and we love to see you become more successful!
That’s why our advice is always tailor made and consisting of the following process:

Intake & Scans



Focus areas
Lost your inspiring super powers?
Does it feel like you’re a superhero without any powers? We can bring back your superpowers by offering new ways to get your inspiration flowing!
How to take leadership to the next level?
Want to become more like Nelson Mandela or Richard Branson? Being a great leader encompasses more than telling people what to do. It requires a sense of authenticity and a personal touch. We can help you to incorporate this into your work. “Great leaders have known the power of humor”.
Organizational Change
Become the best of class in your industryDoes the change process feel like throwing frogs into boiled water; they just jump out? Yet, if you heat the water slowly, the frogs stay there until they’re cooked. And yes, we know, organizational change is difficult but humor is a great lubricant for this.
Fabulous teams?
Do you want your team to become more like a big band where everybody exactly knows what to do and how to do it, where everybody listens to each other and where the musical interplay is just fabulous? Big bands are effective because people are deployed according to their talents and passions. You don’t let a saxophonist trying to be a pianist. This also applies to business life. Deploying team members according to their talents driven by their passion, and off course having fun and using play can do a lot for team spirit, communication and cooperation.We help you build solid teams who knowhow to enjoy their work to the fullest!
Does anyone read stuff at all?
How to get thatessential message across?Does anyone read stuff at all?How to get thatessential message across? When you’re communicating your messages does it suddenly seem like all organizational members have turned a deaf ear? We can show you ways to use playfulness to communicate your messages more effectively.
The best inspiring and motivating Habitat of the Future
Are your employees more like house snails, or more like traveling birds looking for better work homes? The office space has a significant influence on employees' sense of well-being, productivity, creativity, mood and stress. Start building a playful environment that is specifically suited to your organizational culture!
Vitality-proof organization
Taking proper care of your plants releases energy. Knowing when to water the plants, how much space and sun your different plants need makes them grow and blossom and makes sure they’re able to survive external influences. We can guarantee your employees will benefit and your illness rate with drop.
Innovation Acceleration
Do your employees look like chameleons, who only change their appearance? Would you rather have salamanders, who really know how to adapt to all kinds of different circumstances? Changing your outside is not enough, you need to change the inside, the fire within. This fire leads to true innovation and therefore survival. Act like a real startup, we will provide you with all relevant tools. This can be accomplished by: ideation, changing physical environment etc
An Exceptional Culture?
Would you like your organizational culture to be like a white raven; unique, one that stands out and where people would love to be part of? We help you create a productive and unique organization.
Are you interested in our humor and human-centered expertise?
Contact us now!