Our Story

Our Humorous Story
By doing extensive research about the effects of humor we came to the conclusion that humor is a very serious thing, and even more important, a great tool for organizational improvement/impact. Therefore, Jaspar Roos decided to launch CHO (if you think that’s short for Chief Humor Officer, you’re correct! Congratulations, fame and fortune await you).
CHO is a humorous initiative that does not ónly bring back the fun into organizations. No, it is a a (research) movement as well as action based consultancy where humor is our human-centered formula for organizational success! It actually is a very natural medicine that can be applied by everyone and can affect everybody and has laughter as its active ingredient. Therefore, this natural medicine can overcome plenty of individual and organizational “health” challenges which include, among other things:
1. Stress;
2. Boredom;
3. Poor (team) performance;
4. Ineffective collaboration;
5. Job-dissatisfaction;
6. Lack of creativity and innovation;
7. Unreadiness for change;
8. Poor interpersonalrelations;
9. Ineffective communication;
10. Organizational disastrous taboos.
Off course a medicine is nothing without doctors who have the expertise to tell and learn you everything about the effects of this medicine, through readings, workshops or complete trajectories. That’s why we introduce to you the Humor Doctor, Nurses and CHO-assistants.

Are you experiencing any organizational “health” challenges? We know how important your business is and we strive to apply the right solutions for these issues. Solutions with a touch of humor and humanity. Would you like us, the humor doctor, nurses and CHO-assistants, to stop by your organization and see what we can do for you? Just contact us!

Our Inspirational Vision
The biggest resistance we come across is that some people are afraid not tobe taken seriously when using humor. This can’t be more wrong! From our own and other scientific research and interviews with the key stakeholders in the world, we can conclude the following:
Humor and its active ingredient laughter make people more
You’re perceived as more professional and even more likeable.
Likeable people are among other things, great persuaders.
The funnier the executive, the higher the bonuses. Outstanding executives use more than twice as much humor than ordinary executives! (Harvard Business Study)
Humor can help us through the day, but humor can also help us to be more motivated, productive, creative, and energetic.
Successful people are almost always humorous, inspiring, and fun to work with.a
Yet, humor is not only about joking around. Humor comes in different kind of ways and you can find it in anything you come across. Just look at successful organizations such as Google, Apple and Pixar that make, among other things, use of a humorous and playful environment to enhance creativity and innovation.
Therefore our mission and vision involves:
Bringing back the fun by making your work more awesome and by delivering awesome results!

Our team of explorers

Johnathan Doe
Founder & CEO
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Johnathan Doe
Marketing Head
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Our Partners in humor crime

Limpid & Co
We’re part of Limpid & Co, a set of international companies and initiatives that act as…well… a family. With traditions, structure and even a family shield. Within the family, we are the corporate rebels if you like. Whilst we don’t take ourselves too seriously, we take our work very seriously. At CHO we use playfulness, informality and humor to help firms improve their organizational culture, innovation capability, leadership and work habitat.